Credit Management

This page explains implementing the use case of credit management using a combination of Finscale micro-services.

Summary: Credit Management is the management of different loan lifecycle events from the point of Customer onboarding, approval of a loan application, disbursal and tracking the repayment behaviour until the closure of the stated loan. Different types of repayment scenarios such as Reschedule, refinance, preclosures, foreclosures, writeoff etc are also part of Credit Management. As Loan origination service is an independent service in Finscale, and with more and more advancements in borrower relationship management, all loan lifecycle events excluding the customer origination are consideredd for Credit Management Use case.

For Credit management use case, following explains the possible loan product criteria for the Credit Management Service:

A. Base library of lending products, a mix of lending products, or a mix of other financial instruments.

Loan Product Standard Template contains the following minimum viable information:

  1. Interest ranges have an explicit conversion formulation such that periodic interest rate, effective interest rate and annual nominal interest rate.

B. There are the following types of identifiable information contained in the loan product template which should remain unchanged across all loan offers translated from the template Loan Products:

C. The following types of attributes have a dynamic relationship with loan offers translated for each borrower in the Loan origination service.

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